PXI 6552 reset failures
(too old to reply)
2007-09-11 19:40:11 UTC
I have a PXI chassis with 3 HS-DIO cards installed in slots 3, 5, and 7.I developed a simple CVI program that tests each card to make sure each card is functioning.All the program does is start a generation and acquisition session on each card, and then it bursts and compares (HWC) data.
From the initial power-on, I can run the test on each card and it works.  I've run the test several times.
However, if I issue a "reset" command in MAX on slot 3, I get back:
Error -239022 occurred at Device Reset.Possible reason(s):Internal Hardware Error occurred in MIG hardware.  Please contact National Instruments support.
If I try and reset it again, it always returns this error.
If I reset card 5 a couple times, I start getting this error.
I never get this error on card 7.
I have MAX 4.3 and installed the latest DAQmx and HS-DIO drivers today.
Does anyone know what this "hardware error" means?  I would expect a "hardware error" means the hardware doesn't work, yet I can still execute my program without noticing any hardware problems.
2007-09-11 21:40:06 UTC
Hi Jakeus,
The error you are getting is indicative of a hardware or firmware error.  With the error you are getting, the driver should fail to load, so what exactly do you mean by "yet I can still execute my program without noticing any hardware problems."  Do you mean on the non-faulty device?  Because this is not expected on the devices that returned the error. 
Also, how long have you had your devices and chasis?  The error you are seeing may also be an issue with your chassis.  Can you try the faulty devices in different slots (prefereably in the same slot as the working device)?  It will also help if you can send the program you are executing.
Hope we can figure this out.
Onome Ufomata
HSDIO Software Engineer
National Instruments
David L.
2007-09-12 20:10:16 UTC
Hi Jakeus,

This error typically signifies that the card needs to be
sent in for repair, as this is an internal error. Does this error occur when you
do a self-calibrate in MAX? What about when you reset the device programmatically
using the ?niHSDIO_ResetDevice ?? Have you tried the cards in different slots
or chassis to see if the error occurs? After all this, if the card is still
failing, please call a sales representative at 1-866-433-3488 to repair the

Message Edited by David L. on 09-12-2007 03:08 PM
