2007-01-20 10:10:08 UTC
I want to generate a single digital Pulse based on my input from field (i am using Fieldpoint IO Point) to acquire digital signal. I want a High Pulse if my input goes High.
Inputs: Fieldpoint IO Point
OutPut Required: Single Boolean Pulse
Hardware Used: CFP-DI-330
Software Used: Labview 8.2 Full Development System
Single High Pulse Generation.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/6246/1/Single High Pulse Generation.vi
Inputs: Fieldpoint IO Point
OutPut Required: Single Boolean Pulse
Hardware Used: CFP-DI-330
Software Used: Labview 8.2 Full Development System
Single High Pulse Generation.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/6246/1/Single High Pulse Generation.vi