problem configure new task
(too old to reply)
2008-03-25 15:10:08 UTC
I'm using daq card CF-6004 and NI-Daqmx Base 2.0. I'm able to create a dio task for port 0 and the application can be run. However, when i change the port to 1,2,3 at the configuration utilities. The application can't run. Did i do something wrong?

2008-03-26 17:10:11 UTC
Hi All,
Is there anyone willing to give me some hint or solution for my problem here.
I'm still having the same problem. Is absurd that only the PF0 working. How about the others?
2008-03-27 11:10:09 UTC
Hi Wyatt
This does indeed seem a strange problem. Can you confirm are you trying to sample from each channel inderviduly or simultaneously? I have taken a look at your program and it looks fine, should be ok. I see that you have called a task that is preconfigured in MAX. Any chance you can post a screen shot or two of this configuration so I can get a better understanding of what your up to.
lastly, have you tried using this care with other labview programs or in another computers. Have the channels aver worked before or could it be a pure hardware issue?
best regards
2008-03-27 16:40:09 UTC
Hi Graham,
For now i'm just trying to run the Vis for each channel individually. I'm using Daq CF-6004 on my pda. So, i have to configure it in LV>Tools> NI-DAQmx BAse Task Configuration Utility. Therefore, i can't use MAX to create task for my application.
When trying on the configuration i had also tried with "tick" invert for the other application. But stil not working.
No i only have 1 pc to try with. Sorry i didn't the other channel before.


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2008-04-07 09:40:06 UTC
Hi Wyatt
I have had a look at your screen shots and the configuration that you are using seems to be all fine and in order.
To work on this issue further what I would suggest is that if you would go to <a href="http://www.ni.com/ask" target="_blank">www.ni.com/ask</a> and create a&nbsp;query&nbsp;including&nbsp;this&nbsp;forum link. Then I can open a full service request for you where I can give you my address so that if you would send me the card I will test it on my PDA here and then verify if it is a hardware or software fault.
Once I know this I can then&nbsp;recommend your card for RMA if its a hardware problem which at this point seems most likely.
I look forward to hearing from you
2008-04-07 13:40:08 UTC
Hi Graham,
Thanks for look into this matter. However, i had solved the problem.
It was just some faulty of software. All i did is change the constant&nbsp;value that i put for the Daqmx Base write icon.
Thanks again.
