connect a bus trigger signal with a digital port
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Hari Seldon
2007-04-19 13:40:20 UTC
I have a problem with daqmx : I would like to connect a signal on the trigger bus of a pxi card (a terminal under daqmx) with a digital port (a line under daqmx). I tested the daqmx connection VI but one can only connect terminals between them?
I would also like to know where is the port4 of my 6534pxi card, because when I want to choose a port in daqmx, for the creation of a channel for example, I have the choice of the ports from 0 to 3 and the port5? I have surely miss something (unless the port4=port5 but the card docs do not speak about the port5).
Moreover theport 4 has the starttrigger and stoptrigger pins on which I want to recover signals.
Just a last thing, how should the port be configured where is starttrigger and stoptrigger under daqmx?
thanks for your answers
Matthieu Papaux
2007-04-20 12:40:10 UTC
Hi Hari,

To respond to your first question have a look at the attached picture adn at the "Device connection" in MAX.

About the port 5 :
The Port 5 showing on your digital output channel in MAX has timing
controller lines for high speed data transfer. It has four control
lines for digital output. The pin assignment for this port is as
Port 5, line 0 --- PCLK1 (Pin 5)
Port 5, line 1 --- PCLK2 (Pin 6)
Port 5, line 2 --- ACK1 (Pin 3)
Port 5, line 3 --- ACK2 (Pin 8)

You can find this information and more on pages 23-24 and pg 99 of the
DAQ-6534 user manual ( http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/371464d.pdf ).
Please check the Device Pinout to check with wich PFI line they are connected.

For your last question.
There is no specific start or stop trigger trigger line in DAQmx. You can use PFI line to Start a task.
There is no specific Stop Trigger in DAQmx you can us a referenced
Trigger to perform a Finite Buffer acquisition but there is an
alternative programme to do a Start and Stop trigger acquisition:

Have a great Day.

National Instruments

connection 6534.jpg:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/6736/1/connection 6534.jpg
Hari Seldon
2007-04-20 13:40:12 UTC
Hi Matthieu,
thanks for made a accurate reply.
I have already read the pxi6534 docs neverthess the port description deals with the port4. Thanks your answer i can continue with the port5.
have a nice day.
