DAQmx channel
(too old to reply)
2008-05-22 08:40:16 UTC
Dear all,
I am new in using labview.
Can anyone tell me after i create DAQmx channel. How do i read from it?
I am using SCC-68 interface board and PCI 6014.
We got program but it's program for Traditional DAQ Virtual Channel.  After i search at the NI Forum, i found that the SCC-68 is only DAQmx competible.
Is there anything i can do to change the program so it can be used by using DAQmx Channel?
Best Regards,
Kamijin (Joe W.)
2008-05-23 19:10:08 UTC
Hello Kamijin,

You are correct that the SCC-68 interface board requires the
use of DAQmx. Though the overall flow and algorithm remains the same for each, DAQmx
utilizes a completely different API than that of Traditional DAQ. Thus, you
cannot integrate a DAQmx task or channel with a program written in Traditional
DAQ. Since you already have a program in Traditional DAQ, I would suggest
taking a look at the online tutorial ?<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4342#1" target="_blank">Transition from Traditional NI-DAQ to
NI-DAQmx in LabVIEW</a>? for an overview of the main differences between the
drivers, as well as a side-by-side translation of numerous different types of
measurements. Additionally, the tutorial ?<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2835" target="_blank">Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and
Handle 80 Percent of Your Data Acquisition Applications</a>? gives a good overview
for developing a DAQmx application.
I would also strongly
suggest making use of the LabVIEW example programs for data acquisition. These
examples can be found in the LabVIEW Example Finder under Help » Find Examples.
In the Example Finder, navigate to the folder Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx
for a list of ready-to-use examples for numerous different acquisition types.
You can also use these examples as a good starting point for building your own
custom application. Hope this helps,
2008-05-24 01:10:06 UTC
Dear Daniel S,
Thank for the guidance. I will read it first.
Best Regards,
Kamijin (Joe W.)
Sensor Electronic Engineer
