Daqmx Task, controlling I/Os independently with labview software
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Mark E
2007-10-10 22:40:12 UTC
Welcome to the discussion forums, rlg34584!

Yes, the 6512 is controlled via
software-timing. A quick way to get started is to check out the shipping examples.
In LabVIEW go to ?Help -> Find Examples? to open up the Example Finder. In
the lower left, you can limit the examples by your particular hardware. A good
example that I was looking at is called ?Write Dig Chan.vi? found by selecting ?Hardware
Input and Output -> DAQmx -> Digital Generation. The Data to Write control
can be expanded downward to expose more than one port, thus giving you access
to additional lines. This VI allows you to output a high or low signal to the
corresponding lines.

Another great reference is the <a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/4072E82D84C4DA7B86257291007CDB75" target="_blank">651x
User Manual</a>.

Hope this helps.
2008-08-15 10:10:12 UTC
I'm working with 6512 too.Do you know if it's possible generated stable square wave using this board. I ask this because i did it using Labview but it seems that at frequency of 100 - 200 Hz the square wave isn't stable and depend from the program that running on PC in that moment. For example if you move one window on the screen with the mouse you can see with the oscilloscope a deviation of the 6512 frequency output.&nbsp;&nbsp;