rtsi test
(too old to reply)
2008-07-03 19:40:09 UTC
I've connected a RTSI cable between two PCI-6541 boards. These are high speed digital I/O boards with no counters. Is there a way to test the RTSI cable between those two boards using MAX? If not with MAX, is there a simple way with LabVIEW?
Paul C.
2008-07-07 17:40:08 UTC
Hi Bmihura,I don't know of any way to test the RTSI cable within MAX.&nbsp; I think the easiest way would be to use the niHSDIO Export Signal.vi in LabVIEW to export something such as a sample clock or a trigger.&nbsp; You could modify a simple acquisition example (Help » Find Examples » Hardware Input and Output » Modular Instruments » NI-HSDIO » Demos » Dynamic Acquisition Hardware Start Trigger.vi) to include the export of a start trigger from one device and the other device starting from this trigger.&nbsp; This would be a pretty simple way to verify each line of the RTSI cable.&nbsp; I've shown below the modifications that I would make to the code to demonstrate two acquisition tasks starting at the same time using a start trigger sent through a RTSI line.<img src="Loading Image..."> Regards,Paul C.Message Edited by Paul C. on 07-07-2008 12:32 PM

