Vista64 import of *.nce file
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2008-08-08 17:10:08 UTC
Attached is the error log associated with the post above

G Lo
2008-08-11 15:10:11 UTC
There are a few things I would like to check.&nbsp; I would first like to check if anything can be imported to your Vista machine.&nbsp; For example, could you create a .nce file from you Vista machine, export it, and then reimport it.&nbsp; I am suspicious that this behavior was not present in your 32 bit OS but is now quite apparent on your 64 bit OS.&nbsp; I would also like to know which version of LabVIEW and DAQmx that you are using.&nbsp; You can find the version of DAQmx when you are in MAX by expanding the software section and selecting NI-DAQmx in the list.&nbsp; The driver version should be in the right hand side of the screen.&nbsp;&nbsp;I also came&nbsp;across another&nbsp;<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;message.id=323630&amp;requireLogin=False" target="_blank">forum</a> which had a similar problem and may be a good resource as well.&nbsp; An interesting fact that was noted in this forum was that .nce file format is binary and is tweaked with each version of MAX.&nbsp; It is highly recommended that the .ini file format be used instead of the .nce format.&nbsp; When you select the device to replace, do you simulate the device or select an actual device in your system?&nbsp; Also, could you attach your .nce file so that I can try the import it myself.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
2008-08-12 00:40:07 UTC
G,We are using Labview 8.5.1 and DAQmx 8.7.1f2.&nbsp; So I just went over to an xp 32 machine, which has the identical dio cards which I have installed on the vista 64 and want to duplicate, and exported to .ini.&nbsp; I then tried to do an import of this file on Vista 64 machine, and I get the same error.&nbsp; One thing that is strange is that when importing, it wants to replace dev2 with dev1, and dev1 with dev2.&nbsp; I have this illustrated in my attached screen shot.&nbsp; This happens both with importing nce and ini.&nbsp; Not sure if this is good or bad.&nbsp; When I selected the device to replace, I selected the actual device, not simulated.Attached is both the nce and ini file I just generated.I did not have time today to create a .nce from the vista machine and try to import.&nbsp; can try tomorrow.ThanksDavid Jenkinson

G Lo
2008-08-12 16:40:23 UTC
Hi David,
I imported both the .nce and .ini files to my MAX which is running on a XP 32 OS and there seemed to be no issues.&nbsp; When you get the results of the export and import strictly from the Vista machine, please&nbsp;let me know what the results are.&nbsp; Have a good one.&nbsp;
2008-08-12 18:10:08 UTC
Hello, Yes I've imported the nce file many times on our xp32 systems with no issues.&nbsp; Do you have a vista 64 system by any chance?&nbsp; If so, what do you see when you try to import?Thanks
2008-08-12 18:10:08 UTC
I believe you are running into a known limitation on imports. In DAQmx 8.7 and earlier, imports will fail if the device names must be swapped. In your case, it looks like the devices are enumerated in a different order on the Vista system versus the XP system.&nbsp;The result is the&nbsp;default device names assigned&nbsp;on&nbsp;the Vista system are swapped from the names assigned on the XP system.
A simple workaround&nbsp;is to change the device names&nbsp;to something that will not match&nbsp;the default names assigned in MAX (e.g Dev1_PCI6518) and export the configuration to a file. Now when you import the configuration on a new system, no name swap will be required and you should be able to import without error.
The next version of DAQmx will support name swaps on import.Tom MakowskiSoftware EngineerNational Instruments
2008-08-13 00:10:05 UTC
Tom, That workaround did seem to work, thanks.It was a bit confusing though, my only option was to replace "dev1" defined as 6521 on vista64, with the PCI6518 name in the import file, likewise for the other card.&nbsp; Seemed backwards but I clicked ok anyway, and things seem to work.Regards,Dave