Yet another base address error problem
(too old to reply)
2006-11-02 19:40:12 UTC
I am getting a "device not responding to selected base address" error on my PCI-6533 (DIO 32 HS) board
in MAX 3.1, only when the SH68-50 cable is plugged into a 32 Channel SSR module backplane.
The device is configured as a traditional DAQ device. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it several thimes,
and in different PCI slots.
Bill Lubarsky
2006-11-03 17:40:10 UTC
The board works fine with nothing connected to it.
Unplugging the SSR backplane from the cable will enable Max to run the various boadr tests without a problem.
I have been working in MAX and not in the actual application since that seems screwed up too, and MAX is something
I know should work, and I had doubts about my vi. This system is a hardware near-duplicate of two that have been running
for years, the biggest differences are an upgrade from LabView 5.1 to 7.1, and the use of USB ports to connect to two
RS 232 devices and one GPIB device (using USB converters). I was trying to fix what would have been the simpler of two
problemis in the application: the DIO lines seemed scrambled and GPIB communication doesn't work. I was putting the GPIB
last on my to-fix list. The GPIB controller shows up in MAX, but not on the Hardware manager.
Bill Lubarsky
2006-11-06 21:10:12 UTC
The GPIB controller is a NI USB GPIB HS interface. It is present in both MAX and the Windows Hardware Manager,
it does unt show up in the USB tree. Sending *IDN? to the HP/Agilent powersupply it is connected to returns
nothing inteligible even though it can find the device and has it's address no.
MAX had found both the PCI-DIO32 HS in question and a PCI 6024E. There is no problem with the PCI 6024E
or with the PCI-DIO32 HS when the SSR 32 backplane is not plugged in to the connecting cable. With the cable
plugged into the backplane I get the "Device not responding to base address" error.
All of the above when the devices are configured in Traditional DAQ (the preferred configuration). With DAQmx
I do not get the base address error, but while running the test panels I can see looking at the LED's on the backplane
some lines are high, some low and only two lines are responding to the software at all.
The PCI-DIO32 HS did pass it's self test.
Bill Lubarsky
2006-11-09 16:40:12 UTC
I am going to be purchasing another PCI-6533, as well as a new 32 channel SSR backplane.
I am going to have to duplicate this system in the future anyway (asuming I can get all of the
f#%*g bugs out of it) so the components will be used eventually. I don't have a connector block
on hand so I will have to concentrate on the GPIB problem for now.
2006-11-09 22:10:10 UTC
Hi Bill,

Swapping hardware is the fastest way to detect that something is not working properly.
I would definitely try each module by itself: GPIB card only inside the
computer. Then only the DAQ card and try to isolate where the problem
is because seems we are talking about two problems and troubleshoot two
problems at the same time is harder.
GPIB Problem: This is not a GPIB forum and the question might be better
answer in one of those but as I said before you would need to see if
the instrument reply to any request (NI-Spy) and then the *IDN? command
or other commands that the instrument accept using the "communicate
with instrument" button inside MAX.
Hope this helps,

2006-11-03 17:40:09 UTC
Hello Bill,
I have a few more questions that I was hoping you could clarify.  Does the board work fine when nothing is connected to it?  Do you only get the error when the SH68-50 cable is plugged in?   Also is this error only seen when you run the test panel in MAX?
This error could be happening for a number of reasons.&nbsp; There is a nice knowledgebase article that discusses many steps that might alleviate your problem.&nbsp; You can find the article <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/DCFCDB240788F8D486256D6A00834D80?OpenDocument" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp; I know you have already done some of these steps, but I think it would be good to go through the list and try some of the steps you might not have thought of.&nbsp; Please let me know how it turns out and if you have any more questions.
Have a great day!
Brian P.
Applications Engineer
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