Generate Pulse when input is high and reset it by other input
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2007-01-15 06:10:10 UTC
I have a problem that i want to generate a pulse if my input is high (Motor Running) and reset it from other input (Push Button) independent of my input change (Even it is RUNNING). i want to reset it either it is running or stopped.
Inputs:  1) Running Feedback   2) Push Button to Stop
Outputs: 1)  Only one out put.
As i m using other softwares which give us facility that we can generate single pulse on the feedback and reset it by other inputs or outputs.
Erik J
2007-01-15 20:10:13 UTC
Hey M_Atif,

If I understand you correctly, you want to generate a pulse train with one input and restart it with another input.

If this is true, then I would suggest using a Retriggerable Pulse Train (Coutner Output) Task.&nbsp; Please click <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/2415" target="_blank">here</a> for a great Developer Zone article on Retriggerable Pulse Trains.

What equipment do you have?&nbsp; Are you using LabVIEW?&nbsp; If not, what software are you using?

2007-01-16 06:10:09 UTC
Thanks, I am using labview Full Development system 8.2. I want to generate a pulse based on the digital input but want to RESET it from other control (e.g PUSH BUTTON) independent of INPUT.
My output (Pulse) should be high even my input is low.
&nbsp;I am using CFP-DI-330.&nbsp; e.g I want to latch the output based on the input like a simple push button (not like a toggle switch). more briefly suppose i am using a toggle switch which change the output to high until it is high and low when toggle switch goes to low, i want&nbsp;output &nbsp;to remain high even my toggle switch is low. i want to change output to low by any other switch like push button.
2007-01-16 10:40:10 UTC
Pls check the code, it may be easy to view the problem.
Thanks for ur fast and fruitful response.

Pulse to Latch the output.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/6196/1/Pulse to Latch the output.vi
Erik J
2007-01-16 16:10:10 UTC
Hi M_Atif, Your code was missing two sub VIs: latch.vi and ON-delayII_Edited_subVI.vi.The code was a bit confusing to me, I hope I understand the problem correctly now.&nbsp; You want an output that is set to high from an input that has latching mechanical action (not a toggle switch).&nbsp; After that, you want to be able to reset the output with a reset button.&nbsp; Is this correct?&nbsp; A demonstration of what I have stated here is in the attached code.Regards,Erik

input reset output.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/6202/1/input reset output.vi
Erik J
2007-01-18 23:10:10 UTC
HI M_Atif, You said in a previous post you want to latch the output based on the input
like a simple push button (not like a toggle switch) and that you want your output to remain high even if the input switch is low.&nbsp; You want to change output
to low by any other switch like push button.This is what I demonstrated in the code above.You also want the output to be low after you reset even if your input is high.So you want the output high even if the input is low and you want the output to be low if the input is high.&nbsp; And you want the reset to change the output to low?&nbsp; Could you please restate what you are looking for?Regards,Erik