Benjamin M
2006-11-30 14:40:14 UTC
The PXI-6552 devices support data delay; which is phase shifting of digital signal relative to the clock. For example, each generation channel can be independently configure to generate with the rising edge of the sample clock, the falling edge of the sample clock, or some delay from the rising edge of the sample clock. However, all the genration channel that are configured for delay must share the same delay (it is ok for you because you have only two signal to generate).
You'll find examples of this in the directory : \Program Files\National Instruments\CVI80\samples\niHSDIO\Dynamic Generation\DynamicGenerationWithDataDelay.
I hope I answer the question,
Benjamin MNIF
The PXI-6552 devices support data delay; which is phase shifting of digital signal relative to the clock. For example, each generation channel can be independently configure to generate with the rising edge of the sample clock, the falling edge of the sample clock, or some delay from the rising edge of the sample clock. However, all the genration channel that are configured for delay must share the same delay (it is ok for you because you have only two signal to generate).
You'll find examples of this in the directory : \Program Files\National Instruments\CVI80\samples\niHSDIO\Dynamic Generation\DynamicGenerationWithDataDelay.
I hope I answer the question,
Benjamin MNIF