2008-04-22 16:10:11 UTC
Hello, I am using 4 NI PCI cards connected with a RTSI bus:6013 -- dev16713 x 2 -- dev3 & dev46534 -- dev5 I'm programming using DAQmx and LabVIEW 7.1. I need them to be synchronized for my application. I have them all using the same (digital) start trigger (dev1/startTrigger), but I think there is some drift due to clock differences between the different boards. I have attemped using one of the cards' 20MHzTimebase as the source for all the others, but I get errors. I have also tried exporting to the RTSI bus without success. Are there attributes of these cards that I'm not aware of that will prevent me from sharing the timebase? Does anyone know how to do it?I appreciate the help. Let me know if more information is needed about my setup.Thanks!Kevin