2008-07-26 19:10:06 UTC
Hi, I am using a NI 9403 module (in connection with NI-RIO) in which I read some non-time critical code from a couple of inputs, and execute a time critical code on four other outputs, which control the adresssing of a multiplexer for data acquistion. My problem is that reading from an input is distubring the output, because the resources from inputs and outputs seem to be shared. That means that if I read from a input pin within the non-cricitcal time loop, the outputs of the critical time loops are delayed for 18us, that is the time to switch between input and output function EVEN IF THE INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ARE ON SEPARATE PINS. The 18us are in line with oscilloscope measurements.Now, I was thinking that I might have made a mistake during configuration. Is it possible to assign a set of pins for inputs, while at the same time another set of pins is set as an output, so that they can be acessed independently without chaning the direction?I hope that there is a solution for this, or else I have to live with non-deterministically sampled data, have to significantly decrease my sampling rate, or buy an additional module (which is my last option).Cheers, Clemens