64 bit data write using DAQmxWriteDigitalU32
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2008-06-10 10:10:08 UTC
Hi to everyone, How i can write to my pci-dio-96 board a data of 64 bits using the DAQmxWriteDigitalU32 function?Im doing the following steps:DAQmxCreateTask("taskDO",handler);DAQmxCreateDOChannel(taskDO,"Dev1/port0_32","port0_32",1);DAQmxCreateDOChannel(taskDO,"Dev1/port4_32","port0_32",1);DAQmxStartTask(handler);.........After this, when im trying to write the data, if for example i have the data in a write_value[ ] variable:uint32 write_value[2];write_value[0] = data from bit 0 to 32;write_value[1] = data from bit 33 to 64;//im doing this because if not, when i call the DAQmxWriteDigitalU32 funtion, it sais that 64 bit port its too big, so i need to divide the data.DAQmxWriteDigital32(taskDO,1,0,10.0,0,&write_value[0],&num,NULL);DAQmxWriteDigital32(taskDO,1,0,10.0,0,&write_value[1],&num,NULL);The first 32 bits are going good, but the relays got crazy with the second 32 bits (from 33 to 64).I dont know whats happening, anyone can help me with this little missconcept?Thanks a lot in advance,Ruzz
2008-06-11 08:10:07 UTC
Please im very stuck with this. Anyone knows how i can do it?
2008-06-12 09:40:08 UTC
Please i need help with this... Just want to know how to write the 64 bits data to the pci-dio-96 board. I dont know if im confuse with the function DAQmxWriteDigitalU32, but i asume that if i group dev1/port0:3 it will work, but not with dev1/port0:7.Please, any help and little tip will be very helpfull.Ruzz
2008-06-13 12:10:08 UTC
I have found a solution! I have created 2 task, taskDO and taskDO2:DAQmxCreateTask("taskDO",&taskDO);DAQmxCreateTask("taskDO2",&taskDO2);I have added each channel to one of these tasks: Dev1/port0:3 to the taskDO, Dev1/port6:9 to the taskDO2:DAQmxCreateDOChan(taskDO,"Dev1/port0:3","port0_3",DAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines)DAQmxCreateDOChan(taskDO2,"Dev1/port6:9","port6_9",DAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines)Start the two tasks:DAQmxStartTask(taskDO)DAQmxStartTask(taskDO2);After these steps, when i recive the data, i split 0-31 and 32-63 bit into data1 and data2, and using the DAQmxWriteDigitalU32 function i can see the relays working perfect:    //we have the incoming data in a data[64] array    uint32 data1[1];    uint32 data2[1];    uint8 index;    write_value[0] = 0;    write_value2[0] = 0;    //put in write_value[0] the first 32 bits                       //first 32 bits            for(index = 0;index<32;index++)            {                data1[0] = data1[0]<<1|*((uint8*)data[31-index]);            }            DAQmxWriteDigitalU32(taskDO,1,0,10.0,0,data1,&numEscritos,NULL);          //second 32 bits            for(index=0;index<mitad;index++)            {                data2[0] = data2[0]<<1|*((uint8*)data[63-index]);            }            DAQmxWriteDigitalU32(taskDO2,1,0,10.0,0,data2,&numEscritos,NULL);Hope this can help to anyone with a similar problem.