2007-11-26 23:40:28 UTC
<a href="../view_profile?" class="auth_text" style="font-weight: bold;" target="_blank"> Jaime F</a>, Reading through the article on RDA for traditional DAQ devices it seems like a pretty handy approach to accessing DAQ hardware remotely. Do you know what this wasn't implimented with DAQmx?I'm working on a project now, and my needs are similar to the OP. Developing a LabVIEW exectuable on my Laptop that will handle hardware on remote computers. Furthermore, the application has to handle hardware on multiple computers and everything is to be executables instead of full LabVIEW.I am currently using simulated hardware on my laptop with a carfully planned out LabVIEW project (see attched image). I'm making use of Shared Network Variables which are pretty dang flexable and are a very nice feature. That being said, I now have to write LabVIEW programs to handle the DAQ to Shared Variable interface for each computer that is driving hardware. The VIs to do this are simple enough, but the whole project would be a lot simpler if functionallity similar to RDA was available for DAQmx drivers that was configurable in MAX.-Nickerbocker
LabVIEW Project Image.jpg: Project Image.jpg
LabVIEW Project Image.jpg: Project Image.jpg