Remote communication with DAQ hardware on networked PC
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2007-11-26 23:40:28 UTC
<a href="../view_profile?user.id=86248" class="auth_text" style="font-weight: bold;" target="_blank"> Jaime F</a>, Reading through the article on RDA for traditional DAQ devices it seems like a pretty handy approach to accessing DAQ hardware remotely.&nbsp; Do you know what this wasn't implimented with DAQmx?I'm working on a project now, and my needs are similar to the OP.&nbsp; Developing a LabVIEW exectuable on my Laptop that will handle hardware on remote computers.&nbsp; Furthermore, the application has to handle hardware on multiple computers and everything is to be executables instead of full LabVIEW.I am currently using simulated hardware on my laptop with a carfully planned out LabVIEW project (see attched image).&nbsp; I'm making use of Shared Network Variables which are pretty dang flexable and are a very nice feature.&nbsp; That being said, I now have to write LabVIEW programs to handle the DAQ to Shared Variable interface for each computer that is driving hardware.&nbsp; The VIs to do this are simple enough, but the whole project would be a lot simpler if functionallity similar to RDA was available for DAQmx drivers that was configurable in MAX.-Nickerbocker

LabVIEW Project Image.jpg:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/7840/1/LabVIEW Project Image.jpg
2007-11-27 15:40:07 UTC

I cannot attest as to why the RDA feature was removed, If this is a feature that you would like to see return then you can always create a product suggestion to give us <a href="http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/nicc.call_me" target="_blank"> feedback</a> . Our developers take these suggestions into consideration when developing the next version of a product. I am glad to hear that everything seems to be going smoothly with your application. &nbsp;Please post back if you encounter any troubles.
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