Matt @ ICS
2008-07-14 20:40:11 UTC
I recently installed the USB-6009 device and I am trying to use it in a LabView program. I am trying to operate an electronic shutter which accepts a TTL signal via a BNC connector. I have connected the BNC cable to the USB-6009 by cutting the cable open at one end and attaching the ground lead to terminal 32 and the positive lead to terminal 17. I am trying to generate a 5 volt digital TTL signal that will cycle on for 15 minutes and off for 30 minutes. On the block diagram screen, I have selected the DAQ Assistant. When the DAQ Assistant opened I selected "Generate Signal," followed by "Digital Output." At this point I must either chose "Line" or "Port," and I am not sure which to choose. Also, after I choose Line or Port, what is the next step after that? Both take me to a large configuration screen which I am unfamiliar with.