Problem with PCI-DIO-96
(too old to reply)
2006-10-13 13:10:10 UTC

We used a PCI-DIO-96 for several years to control some relais and
motors without any problems (I think the card might be 5 years or even
Now we tried to install the card into a new computer, and the outputs
seems to be mixed up. When i move the card back in the old system, it
works again, so i dont think its a problem with the hardware, the cable
or the card itself. We also use the same Labview version (7.0) and
Windows XP on both computers.
The only obvious difference for me is the older driver version (1.70f0)
on the older computer, while we installed the NIDAQ830 Driver on the
new one. Unfortunatley i couldnt find the older driver version to test
if this might help.

i would appreciate any help or suggestions

Thanks in advance

2006-10-17 08:40:09 UTC
If you look at the a new manual from&nbsp;<a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/0488381BEBA3D5138625712C007B27F2" target="_blank"> March 2006</a>, and an old manual from <a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/7DEF0FD892730E198625665E00635874" target="_blank"> March 1998</a>&nbsp;the pinouts are exactly the same.
<a href="http://sine.ni.com/nips/nisearchservlet?nistype=psrelcon&amp;sortby=localesort&amp;nid=14331&amp;lang=US&amp;filter=%2B%28locale%3Ade+locale%3Aen%29+%2B%28phwebnt%3A957%29+%2Bnicontenttype%3Aproductmanual+%2Bmanualstatus%3Acurrent+-doctype%3Aspecifications&amp;title=NI+PCI-DIO-96+Handb%C3%BCcher+%28engl.%29" target="_blank">http://sine.ni.com/nips/nisearchservlet?nistype=psrelcon&amp;sortby=localesort&amp;nid=14331&amp;lang=US&amp;filter=%2B%28locale%3Ade+locale%3Aen%29+%2B%28phwebnt%3A957%29+%2Bnicontenttype%3Aproductmanual+%2Bmanualstatus%3Acurrent+-doctype%3Aspecifications&amp;title=NI+PCI-DIO-96+Handb%C3%BCcher+%28engl.%29</a>
Which driver are You using? The DAQmx driver or the Traditional DAQ driver?
the latest version of the DAQmx driver is 8.3
the latest version of the Traditional DAQ driver is 7.4.2
Did You test the DIO in the testpanel of MAX?
If You toggles a line, do You see that output on the device?&nbsp; If not, where does this change occur?
Klaus Dinnes
