2008-05-25 05:10:05 UTC
I'm attempting to do something similar, I recently got a 6501 and am developing an application in C, I want to have external buttons that I can then trigger a software event with when they are pressed. Since the 6501 does not have digital input triggering(which was my first guess on making this work, since I don't want to ever miss a button press no matter how quickly the button is pressed and released) I will need another method. Here is my current idea for implementing a way to capture button presses reliably, I could create a simple flip flop circuit so that when you press a single button a digital signal will be held high until it is reset by an outside signal, this way when you press a button and release it this line would be held high, then when the software checked the line, it would read that it had been pressed, then the software would use a digital output line to reset the flip flop and make the button signal low. Has anyone created something like this before, does it sound like it would work?