Hello Andrei,
Thank you for posting to the discussion forum. You are correct, the
PCI-6534 is supported by both the Traditional DAQ 7.4.1 driver and the
DAQmx 8.3.1 driver. I understand that you already have substantial code
that is already written with the Traditional DAQ driver, so you don't
want to switch over. There are benefits to switching over. Take a
moment to look over this document about converting your Traditional DAQ
code to DAQmx:
<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4342" target="_blank">Transistion from Traditional NI-DAQ to NI-DAQmx</a>
<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2835" target="_blank">Learn 10 functions in NI-DAQmx and Handle 80 Percent of Your Data Acquisition Application</a>
You mentioned that the device doesn't appear in MAX, one thing you can
try is to go into your Windows Device Manager and then find the card
under Data Acquisition Device. Right-click on the device and then chose
to update the driver. This should run the New Hardware Detection Wizard
and this will update the driver for this card, now it should appear in
MAX. Also make sure the the DAQmx driver is 7.4 and above. The card was
not supported until the DAQmx 7.4 driver release. Also remember to
refresh MAX, by pressing F5.
With regards to your other question about the PCI-6534 and the Buffered
Pattern Output.vi shipping example taking a long time to execute, more
specifically the DIO Start.vi. If you want to learn about how the module works, you can refer to the <a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/3ED785B6332E5C3186256F9400812729" target="_blank">653x User Manual for Traditional DAQ</a> . On page 2-12 of the document it explains repeat generation of data by enabling onboard memory looping.
The 653x will require some time to configure, write the data to the
internal transfer buffer, start the task etc. Take a look at Appendix E
of the user manual linked above to get Maximum transfer rate and
benchmark values for data transfer.
It would be helpful if you can tell us more about your application and
what you want to do. For instance, in your code are you continuously
cycling the configure task, start task, and end task?
Sandra T.
Applications Engineer | National Instruments