2008-05-28 11:10:08 UTC
Hi everyone, im trying to develop a DLL for my NI pci board. This driver, the base, have been done using a Wizard from another Program called ISaGRAF, because i need to follow few steps to do a Easy IO driver that allows ISaGRAF comunicate with the NI board. When u create the project (VC++) using this wizard, is empy(what else:P). And i need to fill hte functions:OPEN_Driver -> opens boards that are managed by this driverCLOSE_Driver -> Closes boards that are managed by this driverREAD_Driver -> reads all the channels on boards that are managed by this driverWRITE_Driver -> writes all the channels on boards that are managed by this driverREADONE_Driver -> reads one channel on boards that are managed by this driverWRITEONE_Driver -> writes one channel on boards that are managed by this driverOPERATE_Driver -> operates one channel on boards that are managed by this driverVery easy as concept.I will use NIDAQmx drivers in my custom DLL. But heres my question:As i can see, the OPEN_Driver function is the one for open the boards. Are the function CreateFile from kernel32.dll and the function DAQmxCreateTask similar in functionality? or should i use first the CreateFile to create a Handle for my Ni devices and handle them, or DAQmxCreateTask is enough?.Sorry if the question sounds stupid. But im quite new in this.Thanks in advance,Ruzz.