PCIe-6537 signal routing
(too old to reply)
2007-09-05 17:10:10 UTC
How do I route the sample clock of a PCIe-6537 to the RTSI bus in a way not associated with a task (using C function calls). Here is what I have:
Get error:
DAQmx Error: Terminal for the device is invalid
Terminal: Dev2/20MHzTimebase
Status Code: -89129
Ok, that is fine.... I have the wrong terminal name. Well what is the correct terminal name then. I have read all of the DAQmx and 6537 help as I can stand and nowhere is the correct terminal name give. Plenty of overall discussions and diagrams on all of the wonderful ways to generate a clock and route the clock......but nowhere is their the correct syntax or a example given!
Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2007-09-05 18:10:12 UTC
FrustratedwithDAQmxHelp wrote:How do I route the sample clock of a PCIe-6537 to the RTSI bus in a way not associated with a task (using C function calls). Here is what I have:
Get error:
DAQmx Error: Terminal for the device is invalid
Terminal: Dev2/20MHzTimebase
Status Code: -89129
Ok, that is fine.... I have the wrong terminal name. Well what is the correct terminal name then. I have read all of the DAQmx and 6537 help as I can stand and nowhere is the correct terminal name give. Plenty of overall discussions and diagrams on all of the wonderful ways to generate a clock and route the clock......but nowhere is their the correct syntax or a example given!
Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
 If you are trying to generate a continuous pulse train, you'll need to use a DAQmx Task to export the sample clock:DAQmxCreateTask("", &task_handle);DAQmxCreateDOChan(            task_handle,            "Dev2/port0",            "",            DAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines);/* use pipelined sample clock so the clock is free running */DAQmxCfgPipelinedSampClkTiming(            task_handle,            "", /* clock source, empty string is onboard */            50.0e6, /* sample clock rate */            DAQmx_Val_Rising,            DAQmx_Val_ContSamps,            10000);DAQmxSetExportedSignalAttribute(            task_handle,            DAQmx_Exported_SampClk_OutputTerm,            "RTSI7");DAQmxSetExportedSignalAttribute(            task_handle,            DAQmx_Exported_SampClk_Pulse_Polarity,            DAQmx_Val_ActiveHigh);/* committing the task will export the clock */DAQmxTaskControl(            task_handle,            DAQmx_Val_Task_Commit);/* after the task is cleared, the sample clock export @ RTSI7 will still   be toggling */DAQmxClearTask(task_handle);Good luck,
2007-09-05 19:40:10 UTC
Thanks for you quick reply. Unfortuantely this does not quite to what I wanted. I have several questions about your code.
1. Where are these functions described? Am I missing some docuement? I have all of the elp that came with DACmx 8.3.1 but no where do I see DAQmxSetExportedSignalAttribute described or  DAQmx_Exported_SampClk_OutputTerm defined.
2. I am trying to pickup the RTSI bus clock to feed it to a PCI-6533 PCLK2 signal. I see now from the Traditional PCI-6533 documentation (which seems to be easier to understand than the DAQmx documentation) that I cannot use RTSI7 for anything but the 20MHz master clock. Thus I wish to use RTSI6. Now when I try:
DAQmxSetExportedSignalAttribute( task_handle, DAQmx_Exported_SampClk_OutputTerm, "RTSI7");
I do not get and error. However when I try
DAQmxSetExportedSignalAttribute( task_handle, DAQmx_Exported_SampClk_OutputTerm, "RTSI6");
I get
Error: Specific route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it..
I thought I could route the sample clock to any RTSI line. Can I not?
Thanks again
