Does this give the number of data points remaining in the memory for
all channels or just for the number of channels selected. Also why is
this output a signed integer instead of an unsigned integer? Is there a
way to determine the amount of memory left on a channel by channel
basis. What I would like to do, is know how much onboard memory I have
while I am aquiring data so I can decide whether or not to continue
acquiring data or if it is time to fetch data.
One more question. I am looking at the Dynamic Generation and
Generation-Source Synchronous.vi Example. Here the acquisition session
is started by a trigger from PFI-2 that is routed from PFI-1 when there
is a data active event. If I want to save my PFI channels and not use
any extra outside wires. Can I generate this trigger on PFI-1 and
acquire it on PFI-1. I am sort of confused by the documentation in the
help file that says channels can simultaneously be configured for both
dynamic generation and dynamic acquisition. Does this mean they can
appear at the same time or one appears followed by another. or does the
device have a way of recognizing which data is coming out and which is
coming in. This is stated in the Programming Flow section of the
help file for digital waveform analyzers and generators. I have a
pxi-6561 by the way.
Thank you,