Generating Analog Output with 6009 in VB
(too old to reply)
2006-10-13 20:10:10 UTC
While trying to generate an anolog output with 6009 device using the example VB project "ContGenVoltWfm-IntClk", i always get an error saying that "Error: -200077  Requested value is not a supported value for this property. ". Please see the attachment.
Program gives this error at the stage of running the following line of the code:
    '  Configure task for continuous waveform generation.    DAQmxErrChk DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming(taskHandle, "", _        frequencyTextBox.Text, clockEdge, DAQmx_Val_AcquisitionType_ContSamps, 100#)
So Program cant go further than this line.
I can create the analog voltage using Test Panels in Measurement and Automation Explorer without any problem.  
Please advise.

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2006-10-20 12:40:10 UTC
Hello Yusuf,


The USB 6009 device you are using is not capable of
generating a waveform based on an internal clock. This is why you are receiving
this error.


There is the possibility of enabling the USB 6009 to
generate a waveform using software timing. This would require you to update
your output voltage at the same rate that your signal changes.

However, the maximum output capability of the USB 6009 is
150 samples per second, therefore, your output signal will be limited to a
maximum of 150/N samples per second (where n is the number of samples that
construct your waveform). For example an output rate of 15 hertz would only
allow you to output a waveform with 10 value points! This may well prove to be
a very poor waveform. It would depend on the output requirements that your
system has.


There is more information about using software timing on the
<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/6F2C2B49A89D685C8625711D007BDD64?OpenDocument" target="_blank">knowledge base</a>.


I hope this helps with your application. Should there be any
other problems, please don?t hesitate to post again.



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