pause counter 6602
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2006-10-13 14:10:13 UTC
Hi all,
I'm a newby in Labview and have a little problem.
I use the continious digital pulse generate Vi from the examples.
With a second Vi from the help i count the pulse which are generated by the other vi.
Now I want to pause and start the counting of the pulse again with a true/false Button, but I don't want to stop the counting task.
How can I do that?
I use Labview 8.01 and have the NI-6602 Card.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards
2006-10-16 12:40:09 UTC
Hi Buchenberg, there is an Example, where you can test it, with an external Button/Trigger (see Attachment).I tried it with the Demobox(jpeg Attachment), there is an Digital Trigger on it, which is PFI0. Every time, if  I pressed the Trigger on this board, the VI counts.So you could wire an external switch, and use this to make a pause.Programmatically it is possible to pause the counter with start and stop trigger.Dippi

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Count Digital Events-Pause Trig.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/5627/2/Count Digital Events-Pause Trig.vi
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