memory usage of HSDIO PXI-6552
(too old to reply)
2008-04-22 18:40:07 UTC
I am temporarily using a 64Mb/channel HSDIO PXI-6552 to generate and acquire waveforms. Is there any way I can know how much percentage of memory has been used in the card?
Currently I am sending ~3.3 Million samples into each pin, altogether 10 signals as driving signals. My guess is that a 8Mb/channel card should be able to handle the task. It would be great if I can see the memory usage on the current 64Mb card so I can make the purchase decision.
Thanks a lot!
Ryan N.
2008-04-23 19:10:07 UTC

There currently isn?t a function that will return the
available on-board memory during acquisition or generation.&nbsp; You can accomplish this by using the <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/209D1B2FB479E5E5862571EF00619457?OpenDocument" target="_blank">Total
Acquisition Memory Size</a> property and keeping track of how many samples you
have taken.

A good example to follow would be the Dynamic Acquisition of
Large Buffer.vi in the LabVIEW example finder: Help &gt;&gt; Find Examples.

In this example they do a calculation to determine the total
number of samples taken thus far.&nbsp; This
example might also be a good place to start if you are acquiring a Large Data
set.&nbsp; It will acquire the Digital
Waveform in pieces and then save it to the hard drive.&nbsp;

Also when acquiring data you can set the data width (size)
of the sample according to this <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/E5170A54988EF81A8625725A006103BB?OpenDocument" target="_blank">knowledge
base article</a>. &nbsp; Based on this number
you should be able to specify a data width that will allow you to utilize the
8MB/ch on the 6552.

I hope this helps!
