Custom Scaling SE
(too old to reply)
2007-10-12 11:10:10 UTC
I,m using Map Range Scale in custom scale.
prescale values  2 - 10 v
scaled values  0 - 3000 psi
The max value celings out at 1300.
When I dont use custom scale the voltage will see 10 v, so I know everthing is working.
Any suggestions or is this a problem in SE.
Hani R
2007-10-15 23:40:08 UTC
Hi Drifter,

I tried using the Map Range Scale in LabVIEW SignalExpress
version 2.5 and had no problems. I mapped a 2-10 V signal to a 0-3000 scaled

What version of SignalExpress are you using? What version of the NI DAQmx driver do you have?Did you ever calibrate your DAQ card before scaling?

Try using a Linear Scale to essentially do what the
Map Range would do.  Keep me posted on
your results.
2007-10-16 16:10:12 UTC
Using SE 2.5 with 8.6 DAQmx on a USB6210.
I installed the new drivers from 8.5 to 8.6 and it did not make a difference.
I still top out at 1.3K.  Without the custom scale I can go to 10 volts.
I have not done any calibration.
Any more suggestions?
By the way we taked by phone a month or so ago about the trigger problem and the signal generator.
Hani R
2007-10-17 21:40:11 UTC
Hi drifter,

I believe the reason your signal is railing at 1300 is that Input Range was not
configured after you setup your scale.  The KnowledgeBase
article, <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/66FCA01C089F42D786256DDD00040CE5?OpenDocument" target="_blank">KB 33BHM4E6: DAQmx Custom Scale Type Map Ranges Do Not Display Correct
Value</a>, describes where to setup the Input Range.&nbsp; For your application,
you will change the Min to 0 and the Max to 3000.&nbsp; Let me know if changing
the values works.&nbsp;
2007-10-22 10:40:07 UTC
I was using the wrong values for the input range.
This worked thanks.
