2008-07-19 17:40:05 UTC
I am acquiring analog data from strain gauges and don't have any kind of problem with getting the data. The problem is that I want to start my data acquisition after an external digital signal coming from my motor controller is high. I want to do this because I want the data acquisition and the servo motors to start at the same time. I've tried using the Start Task VI and the Control Task VI without any luck. I also tried the DAQmx Trigger VI and I couldn't get it to work. I am sure this is not hard to do, but I think I am not understanding the help or the forum answers that I have found to be related. I am using two DAQ's, I have the cDAQ 9172 with an NI9219 (which is completely full with four full bridges) for the analog acquisition and an NI6281 for the digital input signal. I am attaching a copy of my VI as well. Thanks for your help.Humberto
Lift and Drag.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/9214/1/Lift and Drag.vi
Lift and Drag.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/9214/1/Lift and Drag.vi