Start data acquisition on digital external signal
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2008-07-19 17:40:05 UTC
I am acquiring analog data from strain gauges and don't have any kind of problem with getting the data. The problem is that I want to start my data acquisition after an external digital signal coming from my motor controller is high. I want to do this because I want the data acquisition and the servo motors to start at the same time. I've tried using the Start Task VI and the Control Task VI without any luck. I also tried the DAQmx Trigger VI and I couldn't get it to work. I am sure this is not hard to do, but I think I am not understanding the help or the forum answers that I have found to be related. I am  using two  DAQ's, I have the cDAQ 9172 with an NI9219 (which is completely full with four full bridges) for the analog acquisition and an NI6281 for the digital input signal. I am attaching a copy of my VI as well. Thanks for your help.Humberto

Lift and Drag.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/70/9214/1/Lift and Drag.vi
2008-07-21 21:10:07 UTC
Hello Humberto,Thanks for posting on the NI Discussion Forums!&nbsp; I understand you have questions on how to trigger an analog input on a 9219 module.&nbsp; In order to do this, you need a digital input module in slots 5 or 6.&nbsp; Currently, you probably are seeing your trigger types grayed out (if you look in the DAQ Assistant or if you create a task in Measurement &amp; Automation Explorer).&nbsp; When you put in a digital input module (such as the <a href="http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/14171" target="_blank"> NI 9411</a> ) into slot 5 or 6, you will see an option for Digital Edge trigger.&nbsp; For more information, please refer to the following links.

<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/EFD808DC883F095186257170005A634D?OpenDocument" target="_blank"> KnowledgeBase 3XFAEK9B: How Do I Set Up Digital Triggering in a CompactDAQ Chassis?</a>

<a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/371747d.pdf" target="_blank"> Product Manuals: NI cDAQ-9172 User Guide and Specifications</a>