Outputs from the SCB-68 Pin Shielded Connector Block for the PCI-DIO-32hs
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2008-07-30 17:10:10 UTC
Hello. I am trying to create a continuous clock signal using the PCI-DIO-32HS card. I have this card connected to the SCB-68 Pin Shielded Connector Block. I am trying to test the signal on an oscilloscope, but don't know what pins come from the DIO card on the SCB. I am a software engineer, and am not very savvy with electrical terms or pin out diagrams. Are the DIO0-7 pins used for pin outs for the card? If not what pins are used. Also, I noticed in the MAX app under the card->Test Panels, that I can select a port for input and output. How do I select these ports? (with which pins?) and what does the ports mean in terms of output?
2008-07-30 20:10:08 UTC
Hey dfwmike,
I think if I point you to some help documents and other resources, you should be able to find your answers. First, for the pin out diagrams, you can find a connection diagram in the following help file: <a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/CCB88DC67022A750862573A7007ACAB7" target="_blank">NI 6533/6534 for NI-DAQmx Help</a>. This file is also installed when you install the NI-DAQmx driver, and should be found in the following directory on you machine: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\docs. In this Help file, you can find the pin out diagram under ... -&gt; Connecting Signals -&gt; Making 68-Pin Signal Connections. For the port selections, you will see the ports and their channels numbered P0.0, P0.1... P0.7, and P1.0 through P1.7, etc. for each port and their corresponding pins. A port used for an output basically means that 8 digital lines will be set up for output, as 8 lines = 1 port. In that same Help file, under ...-&gt; NI 6533/6534 -&gt; Digital Lines and Ports, if you click on that it explains the concept in more detail. Also, you can search around in the help file and find out how to Export the onboard clock of the board to other locations. There is a lot of really good information in this Help file and will explain things so that even a non-Hardware savvy person can understand.
Once you have tested out your board using MAX, which it seems you have already played around with, I would recommend that you check out the example programs that&nbsp;gets shipped with the driver. Depending on what API you want to use, there are examples in different locations. If you are using LabVIEW, I would recommend using the NI Example Finder, which is found under the Help menu. For C, navigate to the following directory (if you have the latest NI-DAQmx driver installed): C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Digital.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thanks, and have a great day.
2008-07-31 17:10:12 UTC
After reading the docs you recommended, I have a better understanding now, but I have another question. I have some one trying to connect the SCB-68 to an oscilloscope via a BNC connection, for testing my software. What he needs from me is the pins that need to go from the SCB-68 to the oscilloscope for the BNC. Is this possible? If so, what pins should he use, or what docs are good for me to read? I have the Quick Reference Label and seems to line up with the DIO card. Just not sure how to go from the SCB-68 to the oscilloscope. Please help.
2008-07-31 18:40:26 UTC
Hey dfwmike,
There are pin numbers that are&nbsp;next to the screw terminals of the SCB-68. These correlate to the pin numbers that are found in the documentation that I pointed you to. So for example, if you are outputting digital data on port 0, line 0, then the pin for P0.0 in the Help file says&nbsp;pin 10.&nbsp;Then you can wire up the oscilloscope to pin 10 on the SCB-68. For P0.1, use connector 44 on the SCB-68, so on and so forth. The BNC connector that is connecting to the oscilloscope needs a BNC on one end to connect to it,&nbsp;and on the other if you have a BNC connector, you will have to somehow get the signal to it, maybe a wire that you have around. I hope this is what you are asking. If not, please ellaborate. Thanks, and have a great day.
2008-07-31 18:40:26 UTC
Yes that was pretty much what I was asking. I guess another question I have is about the data width. Being that I have all of the pins to make this BNC connection, does it matter if I wire all of them to the oscilloscope and control the data width from my software? For example, if I was using 8 bits to transfer data, then I would use p0.0-7 and not worry about the other 3 ports (p1, p2, p3) even though they are connected to the oscilloscope, would this make a difference? Because I would just pin all of them to the oscilloscope and not worry about specific ports, just control it from the software.
2008-07-31 20:10:10 UTC
Hey dfwmike,
You can use software to tell the board which ports you want to acquire or generate data on. For example, when setting up your generation, you would just choose port0 to output your data on. There is a section in the help file called "Deciding the Width of Data to Transfer" that will answer your questions on which Transfer Widths are possible, and which ports are possible combinations based on the transfer width you choose.
You don't have to use the other 3 ports if you don't want to. I am curious as to how you are connecting 32 channels to one oscilloscope? Each line of a port drives its own digital data, so for port 0, there are 8 lines that you would need to connect up. For 4 ports, each with 8 lines, gives you 32 channels. You should not connect 8 lines to one oscilloscope channel, as you would have multiple lines driving one line and that will not give you the results you are probably looking for. The board you are using is parallel digital, so if you output an 8-bit value, 8 lines will drive that value.
Let me know if there are any further questions.
2008-08-07 16:40:09 UTC
There is something that I am not understanding. I tried creating a a task with the MAX software to test the PCI 6533 card (PCI-DIO-32hs card). The MAX software requires me to intialize the software with 8 lines but I have the option of just using one line. Using the DAQ API, is it possible to generate a pulse wave? I see in the examples there is a counter example that uses CounterChannels, but it seems like my card doesn't support counter channels. I have confirmed that with the MAX software also (I tried creating a task (Pulse wave) using a counter and it says my card doesn't support counter channels). So I am using the DOChannel, in the API to use as Digital Output over Dev1/port0/line0:0. The problem I am having is using the API to generate frequency, periods, etc... using the DOChannel. Is it possible to generate a pulse wave with DOChannel for the PCI 6533? Could you also give me a brief description of the Sample Clock and how that relates to the internal clock?
2008-08-08 17:40:09 UTC
Hey dfwmike,
You are correct in that your 6533 board is not a counter device. It is possible to generate a pulse wave with your digital I/O device. There are example programs that ship with the driver that can be used for digital generation. If you are using LabVIEW, you can use the NI Example Finder and browse (by task) to the following: Hardware Input and Output -&gt; DAQmx -&gt; Digital Generation. Here you can check out all the different kinds of examples to generate digital waveforms. They all use the DAQmx Write.VI in them in one way or another. Check out the example called Cont Write Dig Chan (either Burst or Pipelined Sample Clock).VI. If you are using C, then browse to the following directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Digital\Generate Values. Again check out those examples to give you an idea of creating a continous digital generation pattern.
For a pulse wave, you basically have to input the data into the DAQmx Write function that you want to output. You can create an array of booleans that just toggle: 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1..... or you can input a count up for U8 values, which for one channel will give you the same as toggling booleans. For different periods and frequencies, you can adjust your data accordingly even running at the same sample clock rate. For example 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1.... etc.
For a description of the Sample Clock, I again would point you to the documentation, the <a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/CCB88DC67022A750862573A7007ACAB7" target="_blank">NI 6533/6534 for NI-DAQmx Help</a> file. In the help file, if you search for Sample Clock, you will find all kinds of useful information. The Sample Clock is basically the internal clock, but you can also use an external clock as the Sample Clock. Here is a snippet from the Help Documentation:
"The Sample clock is the primary timebase for the DIO device. This clock controls the rate at which samples are acquired or generated. Each period of the Sample clock is capable of initiating the acquisition or generation of one sample per channel.

<img src="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\rmorris\My%20Documents\6533_6534\6533_34%20Help\653x.chm::/note.gif">
Note&nbsp;&nbsp;In Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy), the Sample clock is called the scan clock or the scan interval counter.

You also can use an external source as your Sample clock. An example of using an external Sample clock is sharing the Sample clock of an analog input device so that you can synchronize the analog and digital operations.Using NI-DAQmx, you can specify the interval (how fast the clock acquires or generates signals) by specifying the sample rate (called the scan rate or update rate in Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy)).You can also use NI-DAQmx to export your Sample clock to other devices using the DAQmx Export Signal VI or the DAQmxExportSignal function."
I hope this helps. Please use the help documentaion and the example programs, as&nbsp;they will answer many of your questions. If you still have further questions, please let me know. Thanks, and have a great day.
